- Android性能优化典范综述
- Android性能优化典范之Render Performance
- Android性能优化典范之Understanding Overdraw
- Android性能优化典范之Understanding VSYNC
- Android性能优化典范之Profile GPU Rendering
Rendering performance is all about how fast you can draw your activity, and get it updated on the screen. Success here means your users feeling like your application is smooth and responsive, which means that you’ve got to get all your logic completed, and all your rendering done in 16ms or less, each and every frame. But that might be a bit more difficult than you think.
In this video, +Colt McAnlis takes a look at what “rendering performance” means to developers, alongside some of the most common pitfalls that are ran into; and let’s not forget the important stuff: the tools that help you track down, and fix these issues before they become large problems.